Respond to the specificities of the young child’s situation
Whether I am Dari, Keo, Leana or Timo, as soon as I adapt, my family and I are given the confidence to evolve well in order to separate smoothly in the best conditions.
The professionals welcome me without judgment as I am, respecting my origins and my culture.
I receive an individualized welcome as a whole person without prejudice and at the pace of my needs.
3. Build trust and clarity in the relationship between the child and all the adults around them
I am confident, I have benchmarks, games adapted to my age, I can progress peacefully.
When I am worried about Mom and Dad leaving, I can console myself in the arms of adults, I am reassured by their words and their attention.
The adaptation period is discussed and adaptable according to my needs.
I see my parents at ease, I feel good, I can play! They are welcomed in the reception area.
If I cry and I don't feel well, my parents know and we decide together what we are going to do.
5. Allow the child to build their place in a world that they discover through art, culture and intercultural exchanges
I can give free rein to my imagination through free play and different activities such as manual activities and motor activities.
I am introduced to cultural diversity through the representations of the traditions of different countries, the languages spoken by the different teachers and the manual and educational activities offered.
Introduction to languages represents an opening of thought to the world, logic and cerebral dynamics, a lexical game and an awakening of the senses and not intensive learning devoid of meaning.
I am welcomed with respect for my specificity (cultural differences, disability) which contributes to the richness of my structure.
7. Fight against sexist stereotypes from early childhood
I am welcomed in the same way whether I am a girl or a boy, I can play all the games offered and those that I have at my disposal.
I am valued based on my acquisitions.
9. Supporting intelligence in motion through a participatory, scalable and caring mode of reception
I am welcomed personally, I can express my emotions.
I am supported and respected as I progress.
I live at my own pace. I am not forced to do activities but encouraged to participate. My curiosity is aroused on a daily basis, both by layouts and toys that change and evolve, and by interesting free activities and games.
I am encouraged to be independent, to do things alone, but I am not criticized or compared to other children if I do not succeed (personal hygiene, toilet training, dressing, eating, etc.). I learn to know myself and feel my needs, not at a fixed time, nor when the adult decides (going to the toilet, drinking, etc.). I express myself about my well-being and my needs (hot, fatigue, thirst, etc.).
I eat well with meals prepared by a caterer, developed by a dietician, largely of organic origin. The fruits are fresh and offered several times a day. The desserts are not too sweet, nor too salty. While allowing festive exceptions to a balanced diet.
The multi-age group allows me to open up to others, to respect them and help them if necessary, to share my knowledge and to be encouraged to progress, not according to my age but according to my personal development.
2. Respect the specificity of the overall interactive development of young children
I play for pleasure without any results being requested.
The adult put words without speaking baby throughout the day to give me benchmarks, I am thus considered as a person in my own right.
My psychomotor development is respected: I move freely barefoot, in socks or slippers, I have at my disposal a facility adapted to my needs.
I am taken care of by professionals who know me well and in whom I trust.
I can sleep and eat according to my needs: the professionals do not wake me up when I sleep and the adult accompanies me without doing for me. I can be supported and encouraged. No one is forcing me, they give me the choice.
I don't have to sleep, I can just rest, continue playing, fall asleep quickly or slowly and wake up whenever I want.
4. Promote confidence in oneself, in others and in the future thanks to caring, reassuring, plural, fun and open-to-the-world supervision
I am a person respected in my history, my personality and my culture.
I can progress at my own pace and I find help when I need it.
I find the benchmarks I need to build myself and feel safe: adapted activities, a respected pace, a caring, protective and encouraging look.
I like professionals to interact with me as a whole person. I am considered and surrounded by positivism.
6. Thrive in contact with nature
I am curious and I like observing nature. The adult accompanies me through gestures and words.
I am offered different projects that allow me to handle, touch, smell, taste, chew, observe.
While playing outside, I can observe insects and collect leaves, grass, flowers…
I can go out and play in the garden, I can adapt my outfit to the weather, stay barefoot if my parents want.
Outside, the rules are different, I can run, play with the earth, water, draw everywhere…
8. Providing a healthy environment, guaranteeing both the safety of the child and the conditions for developing their awareness
I am welcomed into an environment adapted to my development and meeting my needs.
I am the center of attention, while being encouraged to open myself up to gentle socialization.
I am lucky enough to live daily in a clean and maintained place throughout the day.
I can thrive in an environment full of colors and well decorated a little more every day.
10. Guarantee a quality welcome thanks to qualified, competent professionals in sufficient numbers
I can flourish with complete confidence thanks to the exchange between my parents and the professional. They communicate daily and exchange all the necessary information about me, my moods, my behavior, my activities and my progress.
I count on the kindness of professionals to help me find my place within the group and to flourish.
I am reassured to find professionals who take care of me as I am and who adapt to my needs.
My parent is reassured to entrust me to professionals who think, question, who nourish and bring the project to life.
We are welcomed with smiles, special attention and professional availability. The time necessary for departure and reunion with my parents is respected.
- Welcoming of one family at a time, please ring the bell and wait for us to open the door for you
- One spare set of clothes, small personal bag for the child
- We will provide everything the child needs on site (water, snacks, lunch).
Interior rules
-Non-admission of people with signs of acute respiratory diseases (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.);
-If your child has flu-like symptoms he will be refused or sent home immediately, runny nose, cough, temperature (your child's temperature can be read on arrival 37.3 ° C maximum)